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The Key Me INN Story

How Key Me INN Originated….Our Story

About 8 months ago, a friend came by my house to visit, he was there no longer than 10 minutes when his cell phone rang. It was his son. We will call him Austin. Austin asked his dad when he was coming home because he forgot his key to the house. Needless to say, dad was not happy because this was Austin’s 3rd time in two weeks that he forgot his key.With a big grin on his face, his dad told him to sit tight and he will be home soon. (He was not rushing home again!)

After his dad hung up the phone I asked him, every time Austin forgot his key, did he have his cell phone with him? He said he forgets everything but his cell phone.So after doing some research I found out that it wasn’t just kids, but also adults forgetting their keys to the house but always having their cell phone with them. That’s when I knew I was onto something. So after coming up with few designs, hiring a patent attorney, finding a manufacturing company and a packaging company in the United States that’s when Key Me INN was born.

– Ralph DeSimone, Founder

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